Collectibles from Peta Trahar's richly planted garden at Woodgreen

25 Jun 2014

2014 Fair, France and Italy ...

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Successful Fair, beautiful garden tour ...

NEWS July 2014
Six months have shot by with plenty to report. The 2014 Collectors’ Plant Fair held in April was a huge success with 4000 keen gardeners attending. I have the honour and pleasure of being Convenor of this event. Currently we are well into planning the 10th Collectors’ Plant Fair to be held on 11 and 12 April 2015 at the Hawkesbury Race Club, Clarendon, NSW. Our speakers have been engaged and at the beginning of August, invitations will be sent to prospective exhibitors. Keep an eye on our website  Definitely put an early note in your diary and consider booking accommodation in the Hawkesbury now! We have.
Peter and I spent 3 magical weeks away in France and Italy from late May till early June with the wonderfully well organized  Merryle and David Johnson of Country Farm Perennials.  Essentially this was a garden tour but we had plenty of time to enjoy the history, culture, food, the dolce vita. These are stylish countries that we never tire of. Like and follow me on facebook. I’m regularly posting images of interesting plants in the garden here at “Woodgreen” along with garden memories of this latest trip. I really enjoy followers who comment or ask questions. Great fun!
Currently it’s mid Winter. We’re busy pruning and cutting back in preparation for a busy Spring. See my Events section. Perhaps see you on one of these dates. Meanwhile enjoy your garden.
Walk peacefully, smell the roses and be touched by the hand of Nature
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