Collectibles from Peta Trahar's richly planted garden at Woodgreen

26 Nov 2012

Visitors, rare poppy and new tag ...

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November 2012 It’s at least 6 months since I wrote some news. Nevertheless I’ve been busy. I’m told that websites must be updated regularly however let me quote my friend Dan Hinkley who has a most interesting website. Dan says, “I believe in gardening when I have the time and … in writing when I have something of merit to say”.

Since May several Town and Country plants have found new homes. The nursery will never be huge but I do find that late spring and summer are times to get a lot of propagating done. One minute I have 5 of a certain plant then lo and behold they’re all gone!

The Blackheath Garden Club members were friendly visitors, interested in the garden and just as keen to gather up some plants. The garden has been very pretty, “Fairy Wings” poppies delightful. I will save the seed as they are not easy to locate in Australia.

And finally I’m pleased with my new nursery tag. I like to hand write all my descriptions but now have a tag specially for Town and Country with my website recorded. I hope everyone has a very happy Christmas with time to smell the roses.

We are also are working on the April 2013 Collectors’ Plant Fair planning with bookings already coming in. See (below) and read my article about designing the Plant Fair poster in ‘Our Gardens’, Autumn edition. Our Gardens is the Garden Clubs of Australia magazine. Until next time, Peta.

Walk peacefully, smell the roses and be touched by the hand of Nature
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