Collectibles from Peta Trahar's richly planted garden at Woodgreen

27 Jun 2013

Time has flown ...

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Nearly July 2013 and the Snowdrops are flowering. It’s misty and cool. January was hot and dry, February wet with a visit from the friendly Holroyd Garden Club. The garden is always lovely in late Summer, the perennials so colourful.




 April 13/14 was the wonderful Collectors’ Plant Fair and what a success it was. Literally thousands of passionate gardeners poured through the Hawkesbury Race Clubs gates, taking home boxes and boxes of treasured plants. We’re well into planning next year’s Fair – same venue on 12 and 13 April 2014. Mark your diaries!



Autumn colour was particularly beautiful in a balmy May with the Macquarie Towns Garden Club visiting on the 30th. The members enjoyed a tour of the garden with me. And now nearly July. A cold and wet end to June – open fires and noses in books. When the sun shines pruning, mulching and potting on in the nursery.

Walk peacefully, smell the roses and be touched by the hand of Nature
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